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Pictures and Diagrams may be wrong

On this site, there are reviews of many good (and some not so good) books that focus on improving technique. The most common method is to use photos and drawings showing sequences of “correct” techniques. But some of these are not that clear, and others may be just plain wrong (link to Wrong or just … Continue reading »

Categories: efficiency, freestyle, improving techniques, Uncategorized | Comments Off

What is the “speed limit” for swimming?

Since the early 1900s, when sports organizations began to methodically keep records of absolute performance, such as times for the 100 yd. dash, experts have speculated on what the ultimate limits of performance are. In the 1930s and 1940s, four minutes was regarded as the ultimate limit for the mile run. Many of these “limits” … Continue reading »

Categories: 1500 m. freestyle, breakthrough in technique, efficiency, freestyle, improving techniques, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , | Comments Off

Effort and Pulse Rate – an adjustment for swimming

  (This article is informational only, and not meant to infer any medical advice. Please consult your physician as the ultimate authority on this serious health matter.) Since my recent post on Measuring Progress in Swimming I saw a note in my old swimming log. It had an adjustment in pulse rate calculations. The standard … Continue reading »

Categories: effort, feelings vs. data, fitness, heart rate, pulse rate, Uncategorized | Comments Off

Swimming with your Brain

Swimming is a sport where you don’t need super fast reflexes or big muscles. The biggest improvements typically occur with stroke technique refinements. When you practice, hopefully you spend some of the time trying to improve your stroke technique, but there are so many things to think about! In the “olden days”, swim teachers would … Continue reading »

Categories: efficiency, feelings vs. data, improving techniques, mental aspects, Uncategorized | Comments Off

Measuring Progress in Swimming

If you want to improve your swimming, it is important to make “objective” measurements of performance and effort. Logging this information after each swim will provide benchmarks. Here are some basics on doing the measurements. Measuring Performance Time The time it takes to cover a specific distance is the most basic measurement. Waterproof watches are … Continue reading »

Categories: efficiency, effort, feelings vs. data, fitness, heart rate, pulse rate, stroke count vs. time, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | Comments Off